Healing priest trinkets for 3.3


This is basically a rewrite of my healing priest trinkets in 3.2 post with an updated stat weight model and the additional trinkets now available.

Stat Weights

For stat weights I used two gearing theories. Firstly is the more throughput focused one I posted about in my previous posts on theorycrafting. The second idea is a more mana regen focused stat weight set. The mana regen stat weights use the same model as the throughput stat weights but with the spell power to MP5 ratio set to 0.6 instead of 2.0.

Throughput stat weights

Discipline Holy
MP5 1.0000 1.0000
Spirit 0.4273 1.0516
Intellect 1.1551 0.8162
Spell power 2.0000 2.0000
Crit rating 1.1315 0.7397
Stamina 0.2000 0.2000
Haste rating 0.6309 0.6096

Mana regen stat weights

Discipline Holy
MP5 1.0000 1.0000
Spirit 0.4273 0.6474
Intellect 1.0022 0.8059
Spell power 0.6000 0.6000
Crit rating 0.6918 0.7058
Stamina 0.2000 0.2000
Haste rating 0.0000 0.0000

Trinket rankings



  1. 495 Althor’s Abacas (heroic)
  2. 480 Solace of the Defeated (heroic)
  3. 449Purified Lunar Dust
  4. 441 Althor’s Abacas (normal)
  5. 428 Solace of the Defeated (normal)
  6. 425Pandora’s Plea
  7. 400Illustration of the Dragon Soul
  8. 352Show of Faith
  9. 348Eye of the Brood Mother
  10. 339Talisman of Resurgance
  11. 335 Sliver of Pure Ice (normal?)
  12. 310Shiny Shard of the Gods (set)
  13. 300 Reign of the Dead/Unliving
  14. 300 Battlemaster’s Ruination
  15. 294Scale of Fates
  16. 278Sif’s Remembrance
  17. 277Purified Shard of the Gods (set)
  18. 260Embrace of the Spider
  19. 260The Egg of Mortal Essence
  20. 252Binding Stone/Light (heroic)
  21. 249Je’Tze’s Bell
  22. 249Forethought Talisman
  23. 239 Nevermelting Ice Crystal
  24. 226Binding Stone/Light (normal)
  25. 207Darkmoon Card: Greatness (Int)
  26. 199Meteorite Crystal
  27. 197Soul of the Dead
  28. 184Energy Siphon
  29. 173Spark of Hope
  30. 171 Muradin’s Spyglass (heroic)
  31. 148 Muradin’s Spyglass (normal)
  32. 147Tears of the Vanquished
  33. 147 Darkmoon Card: Greatness (Spi)
  34. 135Flare of Heavens
  35. 102Ephemeral Snowflake
  36. 98Purified Shard of the Scale
  37. 96Shiny Shard of the Scale
  38. 95 Sundial of the Exiled
  39. 80Living Ice Crystals
  40. 77Majestic Dragon Figurine
  41. 59Spirit World Glass
  42. 0Shiny Shard of the Flame
  43. 0Purified Shard of the Flame


  1. 495 Althor’s Abacas (heroic)
  2. 480 Solace of the Defeated (heroic)
  3. 449Purified Lunar Dust
  4. 441 Althor’s Abacas (normal)
  5. 428 Solace of the Defeated (normal)
  6. 400Illustration of the Dragon Soul
  7. 388Pandora’s Plea
  8. 352Show of Faith
  9. 335 Sliver of Pure Ice (normal?)
  10. 314Eye of the Brood Mother
  11. 310Shiny Shard of the Gods (set)
  12. 300 Reign of the Dead/Unliving
  13. 300 Battlemaster’s Ruination
  14. 296Talisman of Resurgance
  15. 292Scale of Fates
  16. 278Sif’s Remembrance
  17. 277Purified Shard of the Gods (set)
  18. 258Embrace of the Spider
  19. 258The Egg of Mortal Essence
  20. 252Binding Stone/Light (heroic)
  21. 249Je’Tze’s Bell
  22. 249Forethought Talisman
  23. 235Spark of Hope
  24. 233 Nevermelting Ice Crystal
  25. 226 Binging Stone/Light (normal)
  26. 189Majestic Dragon Figurine
  27. 185Energy Siphon
  28. 168Darkmoon Card: Greatness (Spi)
  29. 162Meteorite Crystal
  30. 160Soul of the Dead
  31. 160 Muradin’s Spyglass (heroic)
  32. 147Darkmoon Card: Greatness (Int)
  33. 145Spirit World Glass
  34. 119Tears of the Vanquished
  35. 100Ephemeral Snowflake
  36. 96 Muradin’s Spyglass (normal)
  37. 96Shiny Shard of the Scale
  38. 89Flare of Heavens
  39. 85Purified Shard of the Scale
  40. 80Living Ice Crystals
  41. 80Sundial of the Exiled
  42. 0Shiny Shard of the Flame
  43. 0Purified Shard of the Flame

Mana regen


  1. 245 Solace of the Defeated (heroic)
  2. 218 Solace of the Defeated (normal)
  3. 214 Althor’s Abacas (heroic)
  4. 198 Purified Lunar Dust
  5. 198Pandora’s Plea
  6. 190 Althor’s Abacas (normal)
  7. 182Meteorite Crystal
  8. 180Darkmoon Card: Greatness (Int)
  9. 172Spark of Hope
  10. 157Talisman of Resurgance
  11. 156Show of Faith
  12. 155Soul of the Dead
  13. 146Sliver of Pure Ice (normal?)
  14. 135Eye of the Brood Mother
  15. 135Shiny Shard of the Gods (set)
  16. 134Tears of the Vanquished
  17. 124Sif’s Remembrance
  18. 121Purified Shard of the Gods (set)
  19. 120Illustration of the Dragon Soul
  20. 120Binding Stone/Light (heroic)
  21. 105 Muradin’s Spyglass (heroic)
  22. 101Je’Tze’s Bell
  23. 96Shiny Shard of the Scale
  24. 93Energy Siphon
  25. 91 Binging Stone/Light (normal)
  26. 91 Muradin’s Spyglass (normal)
  27. 90 Reign of the Dead/Unliving
  28. 90 Battlemaster’s Ruination
  29. 85Purified Shard of the Scale
  30. 83Forethought Talisman
  31. 83Flare of Heavens
  32. 77 Nevermelting Ice Crystal
  33. 77Sundial of the Exiled
  34. 77Darkmoon Card: Greatness (Spi)
  35. 77Majestic Dragon Figurine
  36. 75Scale of Fates
  37. 69Living Ice Crystals
  38. 59 Spirit World Glass
  39. 59Embrace of the Spider
  40. 59The Egg of Mortal Essence
  41. 55Ephemeral Snowflake
  42. 0Shiny Shard of the Flame
  43. 0Purified Shard of the Flame


  1. 245 Solace of the Defeated (heroic)
  2. 214 Althor’s Abacas (heroic)
  3. 205 Solace of the Defeated (normal)
  4. 198 Purified Lunar Dust
  5. 195Spark of Hope
  6. 190 Althor’s Abacas (normal)
  7. 177Pandora’s Plea
  8. 160Meteorite Crystal
  9. 157Soul of the Dead
  10. 156Show of Faith
  11. 146Sliver of Pure Ice
  12. 145Darkmoon Card: Greatness (Int)
  13. 136Eye of the Brood Mother
  14. 135Shiny Shard of the Gods (set)
  15. 132Talisman of Resurgance
  16. 125Sif’s Remembrance
  17. 121Purified Shard of the Gods (set)
  18. 120Illustration of the Dragon Soul
  19. 120Binding Stone/Light (heroic)
  20. 117Tears of the Vanquished
  21. 117Darkmoon Card: Greatness (Spi)
  22. 117Majestic Dragon Figurine
  23. 107 Muradin’s Spyglass (heroic)
  24. 101Je’Tze’s Bell
  25. 96Shiny Shard of the Scale
  26. 93Energy Siphon
  27. 92 Muradin’s Spyglass (normal)
  28. 91Binging Stone/Light
  29. 89Spirit World Glass
  30. 85Purified Shard of the Scale
  31. 84Flare of Heavens
  32. 83Forethought Talisman
  33. 77 Nevermelting Ice Crystal
  34. 77 Reign of the Dead/Unliving
  35. 77 Battlemaster’s Ruination
  36. 75Scale of Fates
  37. 69Living Ice Crystals
  38. 59Sundial of the Exiled
  39. 59Embrace of the Spider
  40. 59The Egg of Mortal Essence
  41. 55Ephemeral Snowflake
  42. 0Shiny Shard of the Flame
  43. 0Purified Shard of the Flame

Calculation notes

Most trinkets have either confirmed or suspected 45s internal cool downs. I have added 5s to all cool downs to allow for delays in procing or players deciding not to use the trinket for a period of time. Observation sees most 45s procs actually occurring every 48 to 55 seconds. Trinkets with 2 minute cool downs were assumed to be used ever 125s.

  • Pandora’s Plea = Intellect bonus * Intellect stat weight + (duration [10s]/cool down [50s] * spell power [751] * spell power stat weight)
  • Spark of Hope = Spirit bonus * Spirit stat weight + MP5 equivalence * MP5 stat weight. The up to 42 mana reduction of spells has been valued between 100 and 200 MP5. I erred on the conservative side with 130 MP5.
  • Darkmoon Card: Greatness (Int) = Intellect bonus * Intellect stat weight + (duration [15s]/cool down [50s] * Intellect [300] * Intellect stat weight). I assumed that priests will have Intellect as their highest stat.
  • Darkmoon Card: Greatness (Spi) = Spirit bonus * Spirit stat weight + (duration [15s]/cool down [50s] * Intellect [300] * Intellect stat weight). I assumed that priests will have Intellect as their highest stat.
  • Flare of Heavens = Crit rating bonus * Crit rating stat weighting. The ‘Equip’ effect has been ignored as I assumed healers will be healing and not DPSing.
  • Illustration of the Dragon Soul = Maximum spell power bonus * spell power stat weighting. I assumed that the full stack was gained instantly and maintained throughout a boss fight. I’m too lazy to calculate it taking 10-20 seconds at the start of the fight to hit full power and teh effect will be minimal in a 5 mintue boss fight.
  • Eye of the Brood Mother = Crit rating bonus * Crit rating stat weighting + maximum spell power bonus * spell power stat weighting. I applied the same laziness as for Illustration of the Dragon Soul above.
  • Sif’s Remembrance = Crit rating bonus * Crit rating stat weighting + Spell power bonus * spell power stat weighting
  • Forethought Talisman = Spell power bonus * spell power stat weighting + (healing [3572] / HPM [6.5] * over heal % [50%]) / cool down [50] * 5 * MP5 stat weight. This one was a bit more complicated than most. The healing effect was calculated based on Flash Heal’s healing per mana (HPM) ratio of about 6.5. 50% over heal was assumed, which if anything was generous.
  • Scale of Fates = Spell power bonus * spell power stat weighting + (duration [20] / cool down [125] * hast rating gained [432] * haste rating stat weight
  • Soul of the Dead = Crit rating bonus * Crit rating stat weighting + (mana gain [900] / cool down [50] * 5 * MP5 stat weight
  • Sundial of the Exiled = Crit rating bonus * Crit rating stat weighting. The ‘Equip’ effect has been ignored as I assumed healers will be healing and not DPSing.
  • Je’Tze’s Bell = Spell power bonus * spell power stat weighting + (duration [15] / cool down [45]) * MP5 bonus * MP5 stat weight
  • Energy Siphon = MP5 bonus * MP% stat weight + (duration [20] / cool down [125]) * spell power bonus * spell power stat weight
  • Embrace of the Spider = Spell power bonus * spell power stat weighting + (duration [10] / cool down [50] * haste rating gained [505] * haste rating stat weight
  • The Egg of Mortal Essence = Spell power bonus * spell power stat weighting + (duration [10] / cool down [50] * haste rating gained [505] * haste rating stat weight
  • Show of Faith = Spell power bonus * spell power stat weighting + (duration [15] / cool down [45]) * MP5 bonus * MP5 stat weight
  • Spirit World Glass = Spirit bonus * Spirit stat weighting + (duration [20] / cool down [125]) * Spirit bonus * Spirit stat weight
  • Meteorite Crystal = Intellect bonus * Intellect stat weighting + MP5 generated * MP5 stat weight. The total MP5 generated isn’t well documented yet. I’m going to assume that once triggered the user will spam spells with a global cool down of 1.3s. I am also going to assume that all MP5 generated by this trinket terminates 20s after the trinket is used. The equates to about 1782 total mana over that 20s. MP5 generated = uptime * MP5 = (duration[20] / cool down [125])*(total mana [1782] / 20 * 5)
  • Majestic Dragon Figurine = Spirit bonus [180] * Spirit stat weight. I’ve made the same instant full stack assumption as for Illustration of the Dragon Soul above.
  • Living Ice Crystals = MP5 bonus * MP5 stat weight + on use healing. I used a similar calculation as for the Forethought Talisman above except I assumed only 30% overheal. On use healing = (healing [2710] / HPM [6.5] * (100% – over heal % [70%])) / cool down [65] * 5 * MP5 stat weight.
  • Tears of the Vanquished = Intellect bonus * Intellect stat weight + (Mana gain [500] / cool down [50s] * 5 * MP5 stat weight)
  • Talisman of Resurgance = Intellect bonus * Intellect stat weight + (duration [20s]/cool down [125s] * spell power [599] * spell power stat weight)
  • Solace of the Defeated = Spell bonus * spell power stat weight + MP5 generated * MP5 stat weight. I’ve optimistically assumed that a new cast renews the existing stack for the full duration and that you are maintaining the full stack most of the time.
  • Reign of the Dead/Unliving = Spell bonus * spell power stat weight. The ‘Equip’ effect has been ignored as I assumed healers will be healing and not DPSing.
  • Battlemaster’s Ruination = Spell bonus * spell power stat weight. I have ignored the ‘Use’ effect as i’m not sure how to value it. It’s unlikely to have a high value either way.
  • Binding Stone/Light = MP5 x MP5 stat weight + ((SP per cast [66] x max stacks [8]x SP stat weight) x (duration [20s]/cool down [125s])). I have assumed the full 8 stacks 66 spell power last the full 20s. Not entirely accurate, but this trinket is so weak it doesn’t matter. To be more valuable this trinket would need to grant 100 or 120 spell power per cast.
  • Purified Shard of the Scale/Shiny Shard of the Scale = MP5 x MP5 stat weight
  • Purified Shard of the Flame/Shiny Shard of the Flame = zero value. I could equate the 510 health per 5 regen to an equivalent stamina (over a specified fight duration) then multiple by the stamina stat weight, but i’m not going to. I’m too lazy and it will still score very poorly.
  • Purified Shard of the Gods/Shiny Shard of the Gods = (Equip value = MP5 x MP5 stat weight + SP x SP stat weight)/2. On use value is similar to (but worse than) the Forethought Talisman above. (((Average heal from buff [2811]/ healing per mana [6.5])* overheal mod [0.5]/cooldown [50]*5)*MP5 stat weight)/2. Both numbers are divided by two as you have to wear both trinkets to complete the set.
  • Sliver of Pure Ice = SP x SP stat weight + (mana return [1625]/cool down [125]*5*MP5 stat weight)
  • Althor’s Abacas = SP x SP stat weight + (Average heal [e.g. 6000]/healing per mana [6.5]*overheal mod [0.9] /cool down [50]*5*MP5 stat weight.  Overheal percent is assumed at 70%.  How high/low this is is dependent on if the 6k heal is a smart heal or a ‘heal nearest’ heal. Overheal percent is assumed at 90% (only 10% of heals wasted) as this is a smart heal.
  • Purified Lunar Dust = SP x SP stat weight + MP5/cool down [50] * 5 * MP5 stat weight
  • Ephemeral Snowflake = (mana return [11]*heals per second *5*MP5 stat weight) + (duration [20]/cooldown [125] * Haste * Haste stat weight).  This one is up for argument.  I’ve assumed 60 heals per minute (over a 6 minute fight).  I’ve assumed that the 11 mana returned is per effective heal (heals for zero ignored).  I’ve assumed that Renew ticks and bounces from Prayer of Mending count in my guesstimate.
  • Muradin’s Spyglass = crit rating x crit rating stat weight.  The spell power effect has been ignored as it only happens for offencive spells.
  • Nevermelting Ice Crystal = spell power x spell power stat weight + crit gained from use.  Not 100% on this, but you get 60% extra crit per use (20%+16%+12%+8%+4%).  Over 3 minutes this seems to be an average 0.33% crit or 15.33 crit rating.  The Wowhead entry has 2.2% crit listed as the use benefit, but I have no idea how it was calculated.


Althor’s Abacas is a nice new trinket.  Ephemeral Snowflake is a waste of space.

I’ll continue updating this as I discover new trinkets.

Gobble gobble.

Reign of the Dead/Unliving

42 Responses to Healing priest trinkets for 3.3

  1. darthbob says:

    Nice write up..thanks

    Just wondering what the thought of nevermelting ice crystal is http://www.wowhead.com/?item=50259

  2. Hikari says:

    I want the Althor’s Abacus. We’ve already given it to two other healers. :p

  3. BobTurkey says:

    I will darthbob. I’ve got this, I just haven’t used it yet. Might have to do something fancy to calculate teh use effect though.

    Gobble gobble.

  4. Adorno says:

    Fantastic! love it

  5. tuloa says:

    I recently got Althor’s Abacus (25man version, normal obviously) and while I am normally Holy, I do 5mans as disc. Today i noticed when the trinket crit healed someone, it did NOT proc Divine Aegis on them. I haven’t done much testing on this but it might be worth noting and looking into more.

    Great list btw! Keep up the good work!

  6. Will says:

    When calculating Nevermelting Ice Crystal, keep in mind that it procs 11 mana off every heal.

    CoH (glyphed): 66 mana.
    PoH: 55 mana (Glyped with HoTs would be more)
    PoM: 55 mana

    At least that’s how it works for druids. Each tick of wild growth gives them 11 mana. My friend got more back from the trinket than innervate because of that factor.

  7. Will says:

    Sorry, that post was actually for Ephemeral Snowflake! :X

  8. Bati says:

    I have the Snowflake and it does not give 66 mana from coh, is more like 22…

  9. BobTurkey says:

    Yeah I read somewhere there was a bug or something for our precious Snowflake. I think it was nerfed then buffed again or something.

    I’ll reconsider it in a while once it settles down.

    Gobble gobble.

  10. Mintz says:

    You are a great great man.

  11. Adam says:

    The abacus is indeed a smart heal.

  12. Bati says:


    Ephemeral Snowflake – to good to be true?

    here are my own observations… if will help you.
    I believe is still decent if you don’t have a better option.

  13. Bati says:

    edit… but depends on your healing stile. If you are a renew user then yes, might count as a decent regen trinket, but if not… don’t take it.

  14. BobTurkey says:

    Thanks Bati. I had seen that.

    The snowflake would have to trigger about three times per second (180 times a minute) to make it valuable for regen. Holy priests might be able to get close with multiple renews and it triggering on all CoH healing targets, and casting CoH on CD…

    Its just not that good a trinket IMHO.

  15. Bati says:

    It’s not, but for a new 80 that will want to spent his badges on something else than a trinket can be considered. And, is about the healing stile also.
    Your list is very nice and I posted only because you said “effective heal (heals for zero ignored)”. It does give mana from overheals also.

  16. feebis says:

    Given that Althor’s abacus is a smart heal, I think it will be the top througput trinket this content patch for a disc priest.

    I’ve already seen it do around 50-60k healing on fights. There are also rumors about it being effected by +heal modifiers.

  17. BobTurkey says:

    Althor’s Abacas is now modified.

  18. Hanthion says:

    I think using Ephemeral Snowflake in combination with glyphed prayer of healing HoTs, circle of healing, 2 piece t10 bonus giving flash heals an additional HoT, prayer of mending, and renews makes this trinket something to be considered.

    Returns 11 mana even on overheals.

    My rotation when I’m holy spec is flash heal, flash heal, flash heal, PoH, CoH, Prayer of Mending, (possible renews), repeat.

    I can’t imagine this trinket is something to scoff at.

    Spark of Hope reduces the cost of each of these spells by 42. Ephemeral Snowflake reduces the cost of each of these spells by at least 44. Flash heal w/ 3 HoT ticks, that’s 11 + (11 x 3ticks) = 44 mana. Glyphed Prayer of Healing, that’s like 11 + [11 x (5members x 3ticks)] = 176 mana.

    Assuming t10 2-piece and PoH Glyph, which I’m almost positive everyone has…The only way I could see this trinket being worse than Spark of Hope for regen, is if there are some serious conflicts going on with overlap or that the on-use haste buff is worth significantly less than the 100 spirit.

  19. Hanthion says:

    Well, I worded that poorly…sorry. I guess what I meant was that…in terms of regen, of course 100 spirit is better than haste. But is the on-use haste buff better than 100 spirit for throughput?

  20. BobTurkey says:

    “is the on-use haste buff better than 100 spirit for throughput?”

    Not for holy it isn’t. The short haste boost (score = 47) isn’t as effective as the additional permanent 25SP and regen from the spark (score = 105).

    At 3 heals per second for the snowflake scores 165 for holy regen making it ranked 10. Thats effectively 165 MP5 from it. Sustaining 3 heals per second is fairly unlikely over a 8 minute fight.

  21. Hanthion says:


    Bob, I made my own debut attempt at theorycrafting by creating an excel file that compares Ephemeral Snowflake to Spark of Hope.

    I posted it on a free file share website so you and everyone else could have a look. My computer is virus free but nonetheless download at your own risk obviously.

    Please don’t laugh too hard at me because again this is the first time I’ve ever crunched numbers on paper rather than in my head.


    Let me know if this link doesn’t work either.

    If my math is sound, then Ephemeral Snowflake is always a better regen trinket under my assumptions.

    Spark of Hope is always a better throughput trinket hands down. But neither trinket is a very good overall throughput trinket.

    In terms of overall “throughput + regen” value, Ephemeral Snowflake becomes a better overall trinket right around the 1357 mark for haste rating – which is unrealistic.



    PS. Haha…so I named the file “Ephemeral Snow’flask’ vs Spark of Hope” rather than “Snowflake”.

    Just a typo…I thought it was kind of funny anyway.

  22. BobTurkey says:

    A few comments on your Ephemeral Snowflask vs Spark of Hope spreadsheet.

    Spark of Hope generally returns slightly less than 42 mana per spell cast. See the details here: http://www.wowhead.com/?item=45703#comments

    For priests its generally about 38 mana. This knocks the Spark’s regen score down to 195.

    Using your assumptions you are correct (I didn’t check all the math, but what I looked at was fine), however are they valid?

    Does it proc off the ticks of the 2pcT10 bonus (Flash Heal HoT)? Does it proc off the ticks from the Glyph of Prayer of Healing? Are all 5 bounces of Prayer of Mending likely to be used in the 9s rotation?

    We can probably knock the PoM bounces down to say 3, but its the first two that are the important ones for the Snowflask. If we can discover the answer to these two questions I’ll modify the Snowflask’s score above 😉

    Nice effort Hanthion.

    Gobble gobble.

  23. Holygoat says:

    Hey There.

    Well, this is a first for me on your fine page, but just a quick question..

    I have prob just overlooked it, but how do u guys rank Nevermelting Ice Crystal for a disc?

    Cheers, Holygoat

  24. Hanthion says:


    I’ve got some news to report on this trinket issue.

    Most of it is bad…bad for the snowflake that is.


    This image shows something very odd.

    The Ephemeral Snowflake is not proccing on all five members in the party. Not even for the initial unglyphed heal.

    But it is proccing on two members. This image confirms that it does proc on each HoT tick provided by Glyph of Prayer of Healing, but again only on two members. I then also checked this for Circle of Healing and sure enough, only two procs…not six.

    I find this odd because it is acknowledging that the HoTs from the glyph are there but there seems to be either a bug or a cap (in this case 2) on the number of simultaneous procs it can achieve.

    I updated my spreadsheet then to reflect six total procs from the Glyphed Prayer of Healing spell instead of 15. I also updated the spreadsheet to reflect only three procs from Prayer of Mending, two procs from Circle of Healing, and lastly I updated Spark of Hope to reflect only 38 in mana reductions.

    I have not confirmed that the Ephemeral Snowflake procs on each heal from the t10 2-piece bonus. I will be able to report on that later tonight however after I run ICC10, as by then I’ll have enough emblems to buy my second piece.

    Even still assuming that the t10 2piece does cause the snowflake to proc on each HoT, the regen numbers for the snowflake are now completely blown away. If the t10 2piece does not proc Ephemeral Snowflake then there will be no question that this trinket falls way down on the regen list.

    I did take a look at a fellow resto druids procs using this trinket however. The trinket is absolutely a godsend for resto druids as it procs on every tick from lifebloom in addition to the final bloom. I find it odd that this trinket would be made so useful in the hands of a druid but then “capped” for holy priests.

    Perhaps there will be some further revisions to this trinket, but until they remove the maximum of two simultaneous procs, it’s just not going to be a good regen trinket…or a good trinket at all for that matter.

    Nonetheless, I’ll still report on the t10 2 piece later this evening to help with further calcs.



  25. Hanthion says:

    Today I confirmed that Ephemeral Snowflake does not proc on the HoT provided from the t10 2-piece bonus.

    So, in conclusion…Ephemeral Snowflake is a complete pile of crap for holy priests.

    Bob, if you’d like me to fix up my spreadsheet to figure out the exact values for the disappointing snowflask trinket I can do that.

  26. Inconsience says:

    Sry for my english but can you tell me something about Nevermelting Ice Crystal for disc spec?


    I find it very useful when u re a mana whore…

    Ty for answer

  27. BobTurkey says:

    Nevermelting Ice Crystal added. The use part of the trinket seems pretty useless to me, especially on a 3 minute CD.

  28. Inconsience says:

    okay thank you for adding nice job

  29. […] and Talisman of Resurgence – Item – World of Warcraft. Using some math, happily pilfered from Healing priest trinkets for 3.3 � BobTurkey’s WoW Blog, I actually determined that the Illustration of the Dragon Soul might be a discipline upgrade, […]

  30. Rosslyn says:

    It looks like the Purified Lunar Dust is going to get a bump of +22 spell power making it a competitive emblem throughput trinket.


  31. BobTurkey says:

    Yes 22 more SP would make it quite valuable.

  32. dominee says:


    I was just wondering about Sliver of Pure Ice http://www.wowhead.com/?item=50339 as it does give you 68mp5 and thats while casting considering other trinkets that give u mp5 so if actual fact you have 2 +/- about half of the amount of mp5 other trinkets give you to compair it with this one isnt that right?

  33. Amyranth says:

    Could you add the heroic version of Sliver of Pure Ice?

    Sliver of Pure Ice (Heroic) = [178] SP x SP stat weight + (mana return [1830]/cool down [125]*5*MP5 stat weight)

    Throughput: 429.2 (regardless of spec)
    Mana regen: 180 (regardless of spec)

    Looks like it ranks just above Solace of the Defeated (Normal) for throughput, making it #5 on both the holy and disc list.

  34. Amyranth says:

    Oops, error in my previous comment. The cooldown on the trinket is 1 minute, not 2, which makes it even better –

    Sliver of Pure Ice (Heroic) = [178] SP x SP stat weight + (mana return [1830]/cool down [65]*5*MP5 stat weight)

    Throughput: 496.8 (either spec)
    Mana regen: 247.6

    That puts it above even Solace of the Defeated (Heroic) unless I am doing something wrong with the math.

  35. Blakkeyez says:

    Purified Lunar Dust was updated with +26 spellpower (not 22 as was mentioned above) in patch 3.2.2. Are the numbers on the list up to date?

  36. […] through of how to figure the numbers out of my own I would certainly be willing to try again. BobTurkey will do your […]

  37. BobTurkey says:

    @Blakkeyez – this is based on the trinket having 179sp.

    If you do not have 2 good trinkets buy Purified Lunar Dust. Its awesome for something so accessible.

    Gobble gobble

  38. Hendrik says:

    Which _two_ trinkets are the BiS trinkets for a disc/holy priest then?

  39. dominee says:

    personaly I would say the best for a priest to get atm would be Solace of the Defeated (heroic), Solace of the Defeated (normal)

  40. Hendrik says:

    hmz, i cant believe a iLvl245 trinket beats like 277 abacus

  41. Piru says:

    It depends on what you and your character specifically need, if you’re not hurting for regen whatsoever, in any of the content you’re doing, Althor’s is a good choice in the slots.

    If you prefer the nice balance of regen and thorough put, the dual Solace combo is a definite winner.

    If Purified Lunar Dust didn’t have such a simply awful proc rate it might be more viable, and if you’re really not in pain for the extra regen from the 245 Solace might be a better option.

    This is all my personal opinion.